Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana List 2019
Search your name in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana scheme Beneficiaries List 2019 with your name and PMAY application number
Under this Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana scheme, Centra government providing houses for all people who are below the poverty line. Recently the Central Government has released the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana List of beneficiaries in 2019.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana List 2019
This PMAY 2019 list contains the details of all beneficiaries who are present under PMAY scheme. This list is updated regularly by Central Government. Here you know details like name of PMAY, state, city, survey number, beneficiary code, father name, mobile number, etc.
Information required to check name in PM Awas Yojna 2019 list online?
An applicant needs to maintain some information to know whether their name is present in PMAY beneficiary list through online
You should have to maintain the name of PMAY applicant (first 3 characters) to check their name in the PMAY beneficiary list 2019.
Who will get PMAY loan?
Under this scheme, who present under economically weaker sections (EWS), light income group (LIG) and Medium income groups (MIG) will get the loan easily. The people who applied for loan can check their name in the beneficiary list 2018. People who cannot apply for this scheme they can apply this scheme through online
Subsidy of the loan amount will calculate for this scheme is totally depends on the annual income of the applicant
Check your name in PMAY beneficiary list 2019:
Applicants who want to check their name in the PAMY beneficiary list online
- Visit the PMAY pmaymis official website
- Now you will directly visit the PMAY search by name page
- Here enter the first three characters of the name and click on Show button
- Then all details of PMAY beneficiaries whose name starts with entered 3 characters will be displayed
- Now candidates find easily their name as we search in dictionary. Here they can also verify their father name, beneficiary code, survey number, a name of the city, state, and MAY name etc
- Then applicants click on their name and verify the mobile number by entering OTP
- After entering OTP then candidates will see the family members details and PMAY application status
- This list shows the PMAY list of beneficiaries whose proposals that approved by the central Government under PMAY
Note: From this list, candidates cannot get the information about the dispatching and money receipt from this list